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The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England: The First Quarto 1591: Which Shakspere Rewr... by Frederick James Furnivall, ... ISBN: 9781356990368 List Price: $21.95
M. William Shakespeare's King Lear: The Second Quarto, 1608, a Facsimile (From the British M... by Peter Augustin Daniel, Char... ISBN: 9781298734341 List Price: $21.95
Titus Andronicus by Arthur Symons, Charles Prae... ISBN: 9781298773715 List Price: $21.95
Pericles, Issue 22 by Shakespeare, William, Praet... ISBN: 9781342989109 List Price: $21.95
Much Adoe About Nothing by Shakespeare, William, Praet... ISBN: 9781343043374 List Price: $21.95
Othello By William Shakespeare: The First Quarto, 1622 by Shakespeare, William, Praet... ISBN: 9781343212077 List Price: $22.95
Richard the Third - Scholar's Choice Edition by Peter Augustin Daniel, Char... ISBN: 9781294952893 List Price: $18.75
Pericles : The Second Quarto, 1609, a Facsimile from the British Museum Copy, C. 34. K. 36, ... by Shakespeare, William ISBN: 9781293668177 List Price: $18.75
Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth : The Earliest Known Quarto, 1598, a Facsimile in Foto-L... by Daniel, Peter Augustin, Pra... ISBN: 9781293665442 List Price: $17.75
Othello, the First Quarto, 1622. a Facsimile ... by Charles Praetorius; with Introd. by Herb... by Evans, Herbert Arthur, Shak... ISBN: 9781293644201 List Price: $19.75
Othello - Primary Source Edition by Shakespeare, William, Praet... ISBN: 9781294170600 List Price: $19.75
King Henry V, the Third Quarto, 1608. a Facsimile ... by Charles Praetorius; with an Introd.... by Shakespeare, William, Symon... ISBN: 9781372510373 List Price: $10.95
King Henry V, the Third Quarto, 1608. a Facsimile ... by Charles Praetorius; with an Introd.... by Shakespeare, William, Symon... ISBN: 9781372510410 List Price: $21.95
Merchant of Venice : The Second (and Better Quarto, 1600. a Facsimile in Foto-Lithography ..... by Shakespeare, William, Furni... ISBN: 9781360007694 List Price: $12.95
Merchant of Venice : The Second (and Better Quarto, 1600. a Facsimile in Foto-Lithography ..... by Shakespeare, William, Furni... ISBN: 9781360007700 List Price: $22.95
Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England : The First Quarto, 1591, Which Shakspere Rewrot... by Shakespeare, William, Furni... ISBN: 9781360007908 List Price: $21.95
Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England : The First Quarto, 1591, Which Shakspere Rewrot... by Shakespeare, William, Furni... ISBN: 9781360007892 List Price: $10.95
Cobbes Prophecies, His Signes and Tokens, His Madrigalls, Questions, and Answeres, with His ... by Bullen, A. H. (Arthur Henry... ISBN: 9781361395677 List Price: $10.95
King Lear : The Second Quarto, 1608. a Facsimile ... by Charles Praetorius; with Introductor... by Shakespeare, William, Danie... ISBN: 9781363338481 List Price: $12.95
Richard the Third, the Third Quarto, 1602. a Facsimile in Photo-Lithography by Charles Praet... by Shakespeare, William, Danie... ISBN: 9781371299866 List Price: $12.95
Richard the Third, the Third Quarto, 1602. a Facsimile in Photo-Lithography by Charles Praet... by Shakespeare, William 1564-1... ISBN: 9781371299910 List Price: $22.95
Othello, the First Quarto, 1622. a Facsimile ... by Charles Praetorius; with Introd. by Herb... by Shakespeare, William, Evans... ISBN: 9781371780777 List Price: $12.95
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